Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life Without An Attending

The attending physician who was here from the States went home on Friday. Even the local doctor didn't show up for clinic today - I have no idea why. So, it is myself and another 3rd year resident running the clinic (until Friday when she leaves and then it will just be me). It is a little bit nerve racking, but to be completely honest, it has been wonderfully reassuring. It has been a true test of all that I have learned in residency. I am comfortable identifying who is dying from who is really sick, from who isn't very sick at all. And, with the exception of the limited resources here, I am comfortable dealing with all of those scenarios.
What concerns me is the potential patient who walks in with something I have never seen, or with something that I have never taken care of before. I guess the internet will be my guide (yikes!) and maybe a few phone calls to some people back at CHLA for help.
This photo is the entrance into the hospital. Usually the area just beyond those doors is hot, stuffy and packed with people waiting to get a number for the clinic or admission into the emergency department or hospital. It is a good predictor of how busy the morning is going to be. And the best part is, no matter how busy the morning is, I always have that gorgeous beach and lounge chair to return to in the afternoons.

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